Mirror Image Vaulters Inc

Mirror Image Vaulters Inc


Upcoming Events

Competition Season is Coming

The Mirror Image Vaulters are busy preparing for the upcoming competition season for 2024.

Don’t want to compete? That's totally cool! We offer recreational lessons as well!

Summer Camps

Mirror Image Vaulters are in the works of preparing for upcoming clinics and camps for 2024…stay tuned for dates to come!

A little about our camps:

NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!! Open to all ages!!

The cost is $250/vaulter. Upon registration, we require $100 deposit to hold your spot. Limited spots available…and they will fill fast!!

The camp will consist of compulsory and freestyle development. There will also be snacks provided during breaks, but vaulters must pack their own lunches to bring with them. There is a fridge and microwave available if needed (only at Avondale).

The clinic is open to all levels of vaulting and beginners, mostly focusing on walk and trot work, with a bit of canter available. Canter work will focus more on ground and barrel exercises, with most horse work being in trot.

What to Bring:


-water bottle

-vaulting shoes


-warm clothes if necessary

-positive attitude

-freestyle music, if you have (can also be sent to Taryn ahead of time to listen to)

What we will do:



-barrel work

-horse time

-vaulting games

-circuit training

-vaulting development

-review proper compulsory mechanics

-look at what it takes to build a GREAT freestyle

Mirror Image Vaulters Inc